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Meet Ashlynne Newman: Employee Spotlight Series

July 18, 2023

In her role as Director, Servicing Operations, Ashlynne is responsible for supporting, managing, and driving operational initiatives for Single Family Servicing at MCAP. This means she works closely with managers and business leaders across the company to carry out business improvement projects and drive the completion of tactical initiatives. She draws on her negotiation and problem-solving skills to get the job done and truly enjoys working cross-functionally in a people-first organization.

Seizing Opportunities, Expanding Her Comfort Zone

Having started at MCAP 5 years ago, Ashlynne has worked her way through a variety of positions, stretching beyond her comfort zone as she has demonstrated competence, energy, and a willingness to try new things in every role. She started as a Mortgage Specialist on the Statements Team creating payout and information statements and was quickly promoted to a Senior Mortgage Specialist processing cash transactions in the Central Processing Unit department. From there, she took on the role of Manager, Servicing Operations where she had the opportunity to lead three different teams in her department. She was promoted into her current role last year.

Over the course of her career, Ashlynne has grasped each new opportunity with enthusiasm, expanding her knowledge of the business and developing a love of project management, cross-department relationship building and driving operational change. “I feel you don’t grow in your comfort zone,” she says in a recent conversation.

Take each new responsibility and opportunity that is presented to you as an opportunity to learn and grow.

Ashlynne shares that there are many resources available through MCAP that can support employees to advance their careers in meaningful ways. Some of these resources include LinkedIn learning tools, hands on training, and informal and formal cross-training between departments and business units. “The biggest resource I’ve leveraged to advance my career, however, is the leadership team around me,” says Ashlynne. “The leaders at MCAP are invested in you and your personal growth – they want to see you succeed in whatever way is meaningful to you,” she says, adding: “You will get out of the company what you put into it.”

In taking a leap of faith (or two) in her career, leaving her comfort zone and tapping into the experience and advice of MCAP leadership, Ashlynne has developed the tools she has needed to be successful in her role today.

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