Although the COVID-19 pandemic may have put a damper on everyone’s social life, finances, and international vacation plans, it doesn’t mean the year has been all bad. In fact, when we, as Canadians, look on the bright side, there’s been many positive things to come out of a tough situation.
For people across the country, social distancing has been an important time to reflect, show gratitude, and encourage society to come together in the fight against COVID-19. Without each of us working together, we wouldn’t have been able to protect our communities and flatten the curve.
Here are five positive things to come out of a tough year:
Celebrating Frontline Heroes

Many healthcare heroes sacrificed and battled on the frontlines to help care for sick patients with limited personal protective equipment. Many Canadians recognized the hard work that these individuals were doing to protect our most vulnerable populations and communities. Community support across the country was at an all-time-high to give back to the people risking their lives to meet our most essential needs.
Working Remotely

Businesses needed to quickly pivot, and those that could do so experimented with remote work during the pandemic. A positive outcome—the shift is providing employees with more flexibility when we need it the most. People have been able to spend more time with their families and friends, and spend less time on their commute to work.
Social Activism

The political climate has been challenging for many people. Inequality issues are currently at the forefront of the media. As a result, it has sparked dialogue and helped people discover resources to increase education on social issues. This has motivated more Canadians to support social activism in our own backyard through peaceful protesting and working together to create equal opportunity across the country.
We Went Green

As a result of people social distancing and working remotely, more roadways were clear of typical traffic. This reduction in vehicle traffic allowed the environment to take a well-deserved break from harmful CO2 emissions.
Instead, people are opting for walking and cycling in order to commute places. This not only had a positive impact on the environment, but also increased healthier habits such as exercise. Perhaps this will be a lasting shift that encourages people to leave their vehicle at home more often.
The Great Outdoors

While businesses including restaurants, movie theaters, malls, and other forms of entertainment have been closed, many people re-discovered their excitement and passion for the great outdoors! More people are embracing outdoor activities such as playing sports, enjoying time at parks, having picnics, and taking walks in nature.
The pandemic may have been unexpected and caused challenging circumstances, but if Canadians look deeper, we may find there are important lessons and positive things to come out of it. The unprecedented nature of COVID-19 meant society had to go back to basics and revisit lifestyles that we’d left in the past. One of the largest impacts it had was encouraging people to join in solidarity for a cause larger than themselves. For a year that seems to be awash with tragedy, it’s comforting to see the silver lining.