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Community GiveBack: Herizon House

December 17, 2019

MCAP strongly believes in giving back to the communities we serve. Earlier this year, we asked MCAP homeowners to share how they give back to their community in a meaningful or charitable way. This is the 2nd of three stories; click here to read the previous story.

MCAP Homeowner’s Story

I am an Ajax resident and a volunteer Board Member of Herizon House. Herizon House provides services to abused women and children in the Durham Region. We run a thirty-bed shelter which provides a secure temporary home. We are constantly full. Our funding has been reduced by the current government and some of our programs may have to be cut or reduced. We also provide counselling through our outreach program, advocate on behalf of women and children and educate the public at speaking engagements about the issues of violence against women and children. In order to raise the needed funds for operations, we volunteer at local bingo halls, have clothing and food drives, run a charity dinner and concert. Unfortunately, these events are still not enough for us to reach our goals. We greatly appreciate the support we receive from the local community and businesses like MCAP.

Thank you.

More about Herizon House

At Herizon House, we provide services to abused women and their children. We offer a secure, temporary shelter, outreach services, 24/7 crisis line and support to transition to a life free from abuse and violence.

At Herizon House our mission is: We provide a safe, supportive and empowering environment for abused women and their children. We are committed to promoting equality for all persons, and through education working towards a safer community.

With contributions we are inspired to share hope with those who seek refuge from violence, abuse and fear in this community. Donors that have shared with us, allow us to extend this hope to families at Herizon House. Many families that enter the shelter system have fled with nothing. Donations are an integral part of the recovery process as it allows a woman and her children to be comfortable knowing they are taken care of. Our donation program also allows families re-entering the community after their stay at the shelter the opportunity to start fresh with items such as food, small household appliances, toiletries, cleaning supplies, clothing, school supplies, and linens.

We appreciate the support of our community partners and know we must work collaboratively to support those in our community who are experiencing abuse and who are risk. For more information, visit Herizon House online.