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Making a Positive Difference in Our Communities: MCAP and Partners Made an Impact in 2022

January 30, 2023

Supporting families, communities and causes across Canada is a key priority for MCAP and part of our purpose as an organization. For over 30 years, we have been actively pursuing charitable activities that have a positive and meaningful impact on Canadians of all walks of life.

2022 was a challenging year for many people, as the cost of everyday living rose and food insecurity, health, and homelessness continued to affect Canadians. We are grateful to our partners, homeowners, and employees who once again stepped up to support others through acts of kindness, charitable giving, purposeful initiatives, and many hours of volunteer time.

Here are some highlights on how we came together in 2022.

Habitat for Humanity

MCAP has been a proud supporter of Habitat for Humanity Canada for over 20 years, helping them carry out their mission of helping Canadians realize their goals of homeownership. In addition to our corporate support, our employees, brokers, and homeowners all contributed to this mission in different and significant ways throughout 2022.

corporate support

Corporate Support

With our commitment to helping Canadians access homeownership, MCAP supports Habitat for Humanity by providing mortgage services to new Habitat homeowners and covering the fees associated with these Habitat mortgages. In 2022, MCAP provided almost $350 thousand of these mortgage services.

employee support

Employee Support

Through our employee deduction initiative, MCAP employees donate one-time or monthly payroll contributions to support Habitat for Humanity Canada. To show our appreciation of our employees’ generosity, MCAP matched every dollar raised for a total contribution of over $58 thousand.

broker participation

Broker Participation

Through our Importance of Home program, MCAP brokers had the opportunity to support Habitat for Humanity with different sponsorship opportunities matching their capacity and resources. Brokers could choose one of four different sponsorship tiers, enabling a range of support from brokerages across Canada.

In 2022, our brokers donated generous amounts to this worthy cause and combined with MCAP’s 100% matching, the campaign earned a total of $77 thousand.

homeowner contributions

Homeowner Contributions

Our Key to Hope™ program offers MCAP mortgage holders the opportunity to add support to Habitat for Humanity Canada directly through their mortgage payment. By making a regular, pre-determined donation, MCAP homeowners can help provide a solid foundation for Canadians to live better, healthier lives. It’s a simple and meaningful way for our clients to make a difference.

This year, as part of Key to Hope™, homeowners had the opportunity to make a one-time donation to Habitat for Humanity Canada through MCAP’s MyHome Sweepstakes September activity. During the month of September, MCAP homeowners contributed funds that MCAP happily matched for a total donation of $42 thousand.

Read more about the initiative here

Caring and Sharing Fund

The Caring and Sharing fund allows MCAP to support charities that are important and meaningful to our employees. The fund is a vehicle for MCAP to support worthwhile causes that our employees are involved in and/or have a personal connection with.

In 2022, we supported several charities including McMaster Children’s Hospital, Canadian Blood Services, Eva’s Initiatives for Homeless Youth, Relay for Life, RideForRefuge, The Boundless School, and many more.

Local Community Support

local communities support shinerama

MCAP employees live and work across Canada – from Vancouver to Halifax. We are dedicated to investing in the communities in which we work and have been proud to support local initiatives for many years. In 2022, MCAP and our employees supported initiatives such as:

  • Shinerama: Shinerama is Canada’s largest post-secondary fundraiser in support of Cystic Fibrosis Canada and in 2022, MCAP supported Wilfrid Laurier University’s Shinerama campaign. As a result of fundraising efforts undertaken by MCAP’s Waterloo office, a total of $13 thousand was raised and donated to the cause.
  • Ride for Heart: In 2022, #TeamMCAP ranked second in activity and completed 8,558 km, raising over $11 thousand! To support our community of MCAP employees and acknowledge the hard work of #TeamMCAP in this vital wellness initiative, MCAP donated funds for a total contribution of $20 thousand in support of the Heart & Stroke foundation and their life-saving research.
  • Habitat for Humanity Canada’s Indigenous Housing Partnership: MCAP employees came together to host a golf tournament to raise funds in support of Habitat for Humanity Canada’s Indigenous Housing Partnership. This initiative aims to create safe places to live and provide training to Indigenous families to help build and maintain homes in their communities. Together, MCAP and MCAP employees donated over $6 thousand to the Indigenous Housing Partnership. With this donation, we hope to help Indigenous families across Canada access homeownership.

MCAP is proud of the hard work and contribution made by our homeowners, brokers, employees, and other partners and deeply appreciate everyone’s collective efforts as we aim to make a difference in the lives of Canadians. We thank everyone who helped bring our efforts to life in 2022 look forward to continuing this great work in 2023.

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